
Privacy-Friendly Alternative to Google Analytics

When you think of analyzing website performance, you think of Google Analytics. But Google Analytics is not exactly (read: absolutely not) privacy-friendly. We’re introducing another major player in the field of data analysis that complies with GDPR (AVG): Matomo.
We are happy to help you install this excellent privacy-friendly data collection tool.

Changes, changes
In 2023 Universal Analytics officially transitioned to Google Analytics 4. This meant a new interface, different features, and saying goodbye to your old data. Moreover, Google is under attack for alleged violations of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, in Dutch AVG – Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming).

Enter: Matomo Analytics!
The word ‘Matomo’ refers to the Japanese term for ‘decent’ or ‘honesty’. In this web analytics tool your data belongs to you, with no external parties snooping. The client – you – is the owner of both the website and the data.

With Matomo, visitor data is anonymized by default (for example IP addresses and locations), and you can decide what information is displayed on your dashboard.

No more paying with data
Unlike Google, you don’t pay with your data but with a subscription.
You can choose between two options with Matomo:

  • Matomo On-Premise: You handle the hosting yourself using servers of your choice. While it requires more setup time and effort, it may also affect your website’s speed.
  • Matomo Cloud: Data is stored on Matomo’s servers, but ownership remains entirely with you. The data cannot be shared with third parties. Bonus: The data is stored on European servers. This is our recommended option!

Meer features
Matomo comes with several features that might win you over. Like an integrated heatmap function (goodbye, Hotjar!) to see how visitors navigate your pages. It is also possible to apply quick UTM tagging.

Although Matomo is a paid tool, it combines data collection from various services into one platform, making it cost-effective in the long run.

Co Founder Matthijs op een profielfoto



Collecting Privacy-friendly data?

Anything is possible! We are happy to help you switch to Matomo.

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Marketing & Analytics

We can help you with marketing issues, such as data analyses. Need help implementing Google Analytics or Matomo? Let us know!

Marketing & Analytics

Strategy & Research

The choice of your data analysis tool is also part of your strategy. Have you made up your mind? We are happy to help!

Strategy & Research