Dark Mode

Good for accessibility, your eyes, your sleep and the environment

Working on accessibility for your website? Consider adding a dark mode.

De website van TivoliVredenburg in Light mode.

Dark mode changes the color scheme of your screen. The background is darker while maintaining contrast between text and background. This keeps text readable while reducing the overall brightness of the screen.

Dark mode is becoming the default across devices: you can now set it as standard on your iPhone, Android device, browser, or Mac and Windows computers.

The benefits
A dark theme for your website has several advantages:

  • Your device’s battery life lasts longer since the screen emits less light, saving energy.
  • Reduced battery usage also earns you sustainability points.
  • A darker background helps reduce eye fatigue, contributing to better sleep quality.
  • High contrast with a dark background improves accessibility for many users.
Een mobiele telefoon met een website in dark mode.

"Of all the updates we've made to the website, the dark mode has received the most positive feedback from both colleagues and visitors."

Yoni Drijfhout


Optimal Accessibility
Higher contrast in dark mode enhances the readability of your content, making your website or app more accessible to a broader audience. However, not everyone finds dark mode comfortable for reading. The solution: add a toggle in the menu to switch dark mode on and off. If your device is already set to night mode, it automatically activates when visiting websites like Movies that Matter and TivoliVredenburg.

Playing with Color
Movies that Matter has a colorful website, which required a thoughtful translation into dark mode while keeping the branding recognizable. Previously colorful sections were adjusted to various shades of gray, with colored titles.

Twee tablets met daarop de website van Movies that matter in light en dark mode

Black and white thinking
For TivoliVredenburg, we also adjusted the design especially for the dark mode. The white background and black text swapped places: the background now features a contrasting black color, while the text is lighter. Each color tone was given its own darker variant, optimizing the site for the best display in dark mode.

Co Founder Marnix op een profielfoto



More about dark mode?

Curious about how your website would look in dark mode? Contact us for more information.

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Design & Identity

Curious to see what your website will look like in a dark mode? Our design team is ready for you!

Design & Identity

Development & Integrations

Your whole website in another color scheme? And extra options like a toggle button? Together we can think about how to approach the dark mode for your website.

Development & Integrations